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Paddle Board Assembly Manual





  1. Attach hose to side of pump marked “inflate”

  2. Locate the air valve on the tail end of the board deck and disengage inner valve, so it is in the “UP” position (TWIST RIGHT)

  3. Insert and twist the free end of the pump hose to secure it to the open valve

  4. Begin inflating using pump

  5. Once your board looks fully inflated, but has not reached 15psi (as indicated on gauge on pump), take red plug out of pump

  6. Continue inflating until board pressure reaches 15psi, as indicated on the pump gauge

  7. Remove the hose from the board – LEAVE VALVE IN THE UP POSITION - air will not escape

  8. Replace valve cover

  9. Flip over your board for fin installation

twist down.jpg
<-- DOWN
twist up.jpg
<-- UP


  1. Remove screw and square nut from main fin

  2. Slide square nut into divot on board where fin will be inserted, as shown below (front half of divot)

    • Note: If your fingers don’t fit in the divot, you can use the screw to move it forward, or tilt the back end of the board upwards

  3. With the curve of the fin pointing backwards, slide the back end of the fin into the back section of the divot, inserting the raised bumps on either side

  4. Rest the front end of the fin on the square nut, aligning the holes

  5. Insert screw and twist by hand to tighten


Note: between uses, store the screw and nut in the fin to avoid losing them!


Next, set your paddle to the correct height!

fin divot with nut.jpg
<-- STEP 2
 STEP 3 -->
fin inserted 2.jpg
fin holes lined up.jpg
 <-- STEP 4
 STEP 5 -->
fin screwed in.jpg


  • Paddle comes in 3 pieces for travel and storage

  • Remove the upper shaft after use to allow the inner core to dry for better floatation during subsequent uses

  1. On paddle section with blade, push down on metal button and insert this end of the shaft into the middle segment

  2. Flip open tightening lock on upper end of middle section (TWIST LEFT TO LOOSEN)

  3. Insert top section with handle into middle section

  4. Measurement markings should face the same direction as the logo on the paddle

  5. When you have adjusted to your correct paddle height (see instructions below) twist tightening lock handle to the RIGHT to tighten, then push into socket to lock


Find your Correct Paddle Length: extend one arm overhead, bend the elbow slightly, clasp paddle handle in hand of raised arm. The paddle blade should rest on the ground.

paddle lock open.jpeg
paddle lock closed.jpeg


  • Kit includes patches and wrench

  • Glue is not included due to shipping restrictions

  • Wrench should only be used to tighten air valve when board is fully inflated. Turn wrench clockwise to stem any air leak. Any other use of the wrench will cause permanent damage

To repair your board:

  1. Deflate board

  2. Cut patch larger than hole

  3. Clean area and rough side of patch with rubbing alcohol (both surfaces must be thoroughly clean and dry)

  4. Apply glue to board and rough side of patch

  5. Let sit for 10 mins

  6. Apply patch and press out all air bubbles

  7. Allow 24 hours to dry before next use


  1. Screw valve LEFT to allow air to exit valve


  3. Start at the front end of the board and roll towards the back end to force the air out (like a toothpaste tube)

  4. When you get to the air valve, replace the cap

  5. Wrap strap around board to secure in place for transport


  • Board is intended to travel in the provided backpack - do not transport on top of a vehicle

  • Keep away from sharp objects to avoid puncture

  • Keep board away from heat sources

  • Allow board to dry completely before rolling for transport to avoid mildew and mold

  • When rolling the board for transport, ensure the valve is open, start at the front tip and roll straight, then close the valve and secure the roll with he strap provided

  • Avoid standing your rolled board up on its end – this puts addition stress on side rail

  • Avoid putting board on rough surfaces to avoid damage to the material


  • Use a coast guard approved personal floatation device at all times

  • Do not attempt to paddle board in inclement weather

  • Minors should only use the paddle board with adult supervision

  • Do not use your board under the influence of substances that can impair judgement, co-ordination, or ability to paddle the board, or get to shore

  • Never use this board beyond your skill level

  • Do not paddle board in the dark

  • Be aware of your local laws and regulations regarding safe use of this board


  • Do not leave board in direct sunlight when out of the water.

  • Recommended pressure is 15 PSI – At this pressure the board will remain rigid and perform optimally. Overinflation can cause damage to the seams.

  • Pump Maintenance – In time, the pump may need to be greased. The air filter under the gauge should be cleaned periodically.

  • Rinse board with clean water after use, and store in a cool, dry environment between uses. Sand can damage the material.

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